Monday, January 28, 2013

January Quilters January Meeting

 Greetings fellow quilters.
The cold of January is upon us but the hearty joined together for our meeting this month.
Tracey was our Queen this month and brought some of her antique quilts

They are beautiful and brought lots of discussion of old quilts as well as well as stories of how quilts were made years ago and how to care for them.

The quilt above is heavy weight with a warm lining and the white top is a mustache cover!!

These adorable blocks Tracey put together into a quilt after buying them at an estate sale...they are from the 30's as the X Y Z block indicates from the date.

 We had a wonderful guest speak in the morning and show us her beautiful art quilts. Gail Ingrham from Suttons Bay joined us and gave us all lots to think about as she talked about her art quilts, their inspiration, methods she used, how she strives for texture and how her quilting has evolved.  She was a Fellowship Quilters member years ago and it was amazing how far she has come.  We all were inspired.  The quilt above is her barns quilt...sorry the pic is not better.  The detail is amazing as is the materials she used.  The quilt below is an owl that seems to jump off the quilt.  Gail and her husband own Bellweather Gardens in Suttons Bay.  She is part of an Art Quilt group that will be having a show there July 13th...I am sure we will hear more about this but it would be worth putting it on your calendar.  Good idea for a field trip!

Barb Roberts read a wonderful thank you note from the Baby Pantry...their clients numbers continue to increase so our contributions were very needed.  Good job ladies!!
Quick reminders...Feb is indoor garage sale...start cleaning your sewing room!
March is Zentangles and will be done in the morning with a kit and a cost of $25

Kathy Nolan