Tuesday, November 10, 2015


 Greetings Fellowship Quilters

October was a beautiful month and the weather has lasted into November...so wonderful!!
Our October meeting was fun because many of us had never done the 2 1/2 inch strip quilts.  We had contributed fabric last spring and the leaders had cut the strips over the summer.  The quilts are for veterans in our area.  a very fun project and we had lots of sewers.

Barb gave us the charity quilt report and we were pleased to hear that we are providing quilts for two families.  The pictures below are a sample of some of the quilts.  They were made by various people, and some were block of the month quilts.  A very good sampling.  The dedication is November 30 th at 5 pm and is at the railroad depot location.  Two single moms each with two kids.  Anyone is welcome and encouraged  to attend.

Marlyn and Pat made the two quilts below for their Church's craft fair...beautiful job!!  Hope they raise lots of $$

We did this charity block in reds and pinks...looks great.  Pat put it together...thanks!

 Linda made this beautiful 12 block quilt ad also showed many others...she has been busy!!
 Two more quilts of valor by Pat and Jackie who actually finished theirs at the meeting.  It will be interesting to see how members finish theirs off..borders and binding choices will make them all look very different.
 Barb made this quilt of valor by cutting up a panel.  It came along with a great story about a road trip they took this summer and how the car just drove itself off the highway to a wonderful quilt shop in Minnesota ....all by itself!  We have all had similar experiences.
 Ruth won first place for the quilt above at a quilt retreat.  Love it!!!
 The quit above was very striking.  Ruth cut the leaves to have shadows.  Then quilted the border to look like birch bark..  I had to include the close ups as they are so great

If my notes are correct Ruth made this for a friend at church..great colors.
Ruth made several Christmas quits for family members...she is read for the holidays
 Linda, below, made the two quilts below...modern quilts with Victorian prints for her nieces.
 Lucky girls.
I hope this finds you all well and getting all your Christmas projects finished.  Remember the Christmas party/lunch is Dec 9th. cost is $13 and you need to pay by the Nov. meeting.  Hope to see you all in Nov...I will send out another reminder in a week or so...happy sewing.  Kathy