Thursday, March 7, 2013

Feb Fellowship Quilters Meeting

I was not at the last meeting but have some pictures to share of some beautiful quilts!!

Phyllis did an outstanding job with the two beautiful quilts pictured here.  She has been busy!!

The garage sale was a success and we raised $134 for our group!  Great work ladies.

Pat Fisher showed some great items...the cat below looks like it would jump off the quilt!!
 We had a speaker , Emilee Syrewicze pictured below, from the Foundation for Mental Health.  She reviewed what services her group provides in our area and what their needs may be  for us as a group to help with.  We will be starting out making some pillow cases so stay tuned for some of those awesome kits from Barb Roberts!!!
Keep our members in need in your hearts and prayers and remember the work bee is March 12th.  Hope to see you all there!!!  Kathy Nolan