Greeting to all the brave Fellowship Quilters who have survived the winter of 2013-14 in northern Michigan. It has been one for the record books as far as cold temps and amounts of snow. I hope it has kept everyone quilting like crazy to keep from going crazy!!! Mike and I were gone to the warmth of Florida for a couple of weeks so I was not at the Feb meeting. Della took some pictures and told me about the meeting.
Renne from Renne's House of Quilts was the morning program and she brought Hex-N-More ruler. She also brought a die cutter which was fascinating. Always fun to see what is new and evolving in the quilt world.
March Fellowship Quilters meeting was also a cold snowy day...when will it end. We had Sharon from Quilt n' Bee as our morning program to show us some new rulers. It was great to see how many different ways one ruler can be used. One was the Add a Quarter Ruler and the other was Leaves Galore. She had some examples of how to use these rulers...very slick!!! She also had some door prizes for us. What a great guest!!!
Sharon made the table runner above with the Leaves Galore...the curved ruler makes it easy to cut out the leaf shapes and then she appliqued them onto the table runner in a circle pattern...just one of the uses for this ruler
Lots of Charity blocks turned in this month...remember it is not too late to do them or turn any of them in!!
Sue also gave us a great tutorial on how to use Square in a Square Ruler. It was great to see the kinds of ways to use this ruler...I had no idea it was that versatile!
Pat was the Queen for the day and brought some fantastic quilts. The cat one above is paper pieced and the picture does not do it justice. The redwork one below is striking as only a redwork quilt can be. Pat is like many of us and has given away most of the quilts she has made but still has an impressive collection. Great work Pat!
Tracy has shown this quilt before but here it is quilted, complete with buttons and pockets from the military uniforms of her friend. This will definitely be a family heirloom.
We had a good number of members present even though the weather was cold and snowy and I know lots of people are still out of town. Della wants to remind us that she and her group are looking for new leaders for next year...don't be afraid of taking this challenge because it will be rewarding.
I will send out a reminder for the next meeting but will give you a heads up that the quilt artist who is coming, Robin Webb Bransky, will have us bring an orphan block to rework into something else and that there will be a small cost for the morning program. More later.
We had a surprise announcement that Elsa is moving to the Houghton Lake area to be near family. We will really miss her and wish her well. I will include her new address in my meeting reminder email.
Barb read this quote she got from Brenda "If people looked at their family, their neighborhood, even the world like a quilter, they would see that you can patch together a lot of different and strange looking fabric to form a warm , inviting work of art." So true.
Think spring!!! Kathy