March has come and gone and we are well into the showers of April so this blog is late. However I had a few problems...I had to leave early for grandchild duty and then a week ago I dropped my phone on a tile floor and it was dead. So I had to get a new phone, lost my pictures and the pictures that Della sent me form the March meeting. I finally got it together and have the pictures and the time to get this out.
The eggs in the picture to the left sure give the feeling of Easter and spring. Claudia was working on them at the meeting and rumor has it she may do a program next year...I am excited about that!!!
Our program was the hedgehog pincushion that Sharon presented and was adorable. I lost the picture of it on my phone and Della did not take one so those not there will have to wait till this months show and tell so I can get a picture of some finished hedgehogs. Be sure and bring some finished ones to the next meeting...we can have a meeting of the hedgehogs!
Barb made this baby quilt for her physical adorable!
I am always amazed with Jackie's rug projects...she must work on them all the time because she produces such beautiful rugs!
Sue's newest purse
Ruth made a military quilt...I hope it goes to someone who will love it!
Ruth also had an embroidered table topper which shows lots of hours of love!
Chris completed last months project with the wool cute!
Peggy and her quilt of valor
Judy with the newest purse craze. The Necessary Clutch Wallet Links at or
Judy with her good morning quilt...I love the blue and yellow!!
Sharon with quilt from the fabric closet...Sharon's quilt below also...I think...Beautiful!!
I hope you are all well as I write this and keeping a few members in our prayers. Dianne with her health concerns and Jackie with her house fire..I hear she has already bought a new sewing machine. All our love and prayers to both of them. See you all in a few weeks. Kathy