The beautiful pumpkins below are the examples of the program for next month presented by Pat and titled Thread Painting. I will be sending out the directions in an email.
Barb has worked hard to spread the quilts we have created and put them into deserving hands.
23 to Munson, 14 to Father Fred Foundation, 7 to Hospice, 7 to Hospice and 7 to the new Oncology unit at Munson.
She read several thank you notes. Great job ladies.
The beautiful quilt made by Donna above is a Jane Austin Quilts. All flowers of an English garden and a crane in the center. Linda is back with us which makes us very glad and she brought several of her many quilts.
The 4 patch poesy below is beautiful and the fabric used is the border fabric. It is a really wonderful pattern that never ceases to surprise with how different the blocks turn out.
Bobbie brought several quilts to show that she quilted herself. They are beautiful!!
Joan is always making something for someone else and this month she showed us the baby bibs for her grandchildren...very cute.
Barb told us a great story about the T shirt quilt below that she made for a friend of her daughter in law. It really turned out fantastic!!
Karen made this beautiful wall quilt in a class. The fabrics are cut out like a paper snowflake and then layered. It is a no sew applique. Really different. I have lost the picture of the whole quilt...sorry!
Ruth made several baby quilts for our charities and finished some UFO's from her stash. Yea Ruth!!
Marva has been busy with quilts and pillowcases. She has made quilts for her church's Bundles of Love layettes. She has also made a quilt for her 6th great grandchild due soon!!

Connie showed a row by row that she customized for her and her husbands own cabin. So cute! The quilt below is cotton backing with wool applique. It is just fantastic and must of taken many many hours of love to create. She is taking it to a friend who will quilt it. The picture below is a close up of one of the blocks.
Ruth showed this lap quilt that I helped her make with fabric given to us by the family of a former member who is also a Ruth. We plan on doing a raffle fundraiser (for a different group) when it is quilted. It was an easy and fun block to make and let us use many of Ruth's blue fabrics.
Sue showed us "Him" The quilt she made for her husband who graduated from Youngstown State University. I guess it was a long time in the making and is very cute.