It has been a fantastic fall with all the beautiful colors. I just love the fall.
We had a great crowd at the October meeting and had a fun program. Pat showed us how to thread paint! It is a wonderful way to add shadowing and dimension to your project. The pumpkin to the right is a great example. The group below were enthusiastic participants.
I can't wait to see what all you talented sewers bring as your thread painting projects next month. Ruth led the meeting and reminded us to wear our name tags to help us all know each other, especially the new members. She also had some fun with us asking a variety of members questions about their quilting. Once again to get to know each other better.
Judy, our money keeper, let us know that the church is not longer going to be our "bank". She is searching for a real bank to have our money and will get back to us on her findings. We have $537.40. Several prayer requests for family members and for our own member Sue.
We got directions for the lighted Christmas trees project for next month. They use fairy lights!
Dianne put on her witches hat and gave us a history of Halloween...the religious and non religious history. Very interesting and a new perspective on All Hallows Eve.
Barb talked about our charity quilts and the work bee made 13 heart pillows that were taken to Munson. She also showed this able runner and matching place mats...all ready for the holiday season.
Pat showed this adorable little quilt that she personalized with her husband, dog and camper.
Sharon showed this adorable cat made with 100 white yo yo's. It is so unique!Sue is gearing up for craft fairs this fall..so cute.
Donna finished this quilt for her daughter. It is called Farm Girl and she personalized it for her daughter who lives on a farm. It is really beautiful! Lucky daughter.
Della showed several quilts...all of them large. She has been using up material and they are spectacular!!
Sharon showed this one block wonder. These quilts are so fantastic. The fabric is to the left and the quilt blocks are all different. All I can say is wow!
Ruth made this wall hanging unique using a process called rusting. She drew on the pattern and then used a rusty nail wrapped in the fabric to get the rusty coloring. The rustic look is completed with a branch as a hanger for the quilt.
The quilt above was from the closet and no one is sure where it came from. Lynn had to add to the backing to make it fit and added more quilting. Does anyone recognize it? Barb said it just appeared in the closet. It turned out really beautiful.
Tracy made another veterans quilt and will make a deserving guy very happy.
Connie showed the wool pumpkin above. Very striking and the quilt below, not wool, so we would know that she does do sewing that is not wool. both .beautiful!
Kate brought this beautiful "redwork' Halloween quilt that is embroidered in black. The detail is so great and the picture does not do justice to it!
Our Christmas party is planned for Wednesday December 14th at the TBA tech center. Lunch done by the students for a price of $13. Judy sent an email with the menu. They do such a great job and it is a fun afternoon. Bring your money next month or give it to a friend if you cannot be there to make your reservation.