Wednesday, February 26, 2020

February Fellowship

 Greetings quilters. I am back on track this month with the blog pictures.  Last month I lost the paper with all the names so kept putting it off thinking I would find it...not to be.  So I will put those pictures up in the next blog and you can guess who is who and what each quilts story is.
We had a smaller than normal group but had lots of stitching fun with Sue. The kit she had for us is to the left.  Many new stitches and lots of laughs.  Thank you Sue!
Barb updated us on the work bee..6 bibs to Oak Park school and 36 heart pillows to MMC.  Habitat may be undertaking 10 homes this year so we need to gear up the quilt making to keep up.  Sizes and kinds were discussed.  Come to the work bee on the second Tuesday of the month to help out.
 Shaun made an adorable apron.

Renee shows off her quilting skills.  The yellow quilt is a “quillow “ folds up into a pillow .

 Ruth has made another cute fuzzy teddy bear.
 Cathy had several quilts to show..this one was a block of the month
 These pictures are all out of order...can you guess what these are?  A partridge in a pear tree. Sharon and her daughter have been making felted wool ornaments with wonderful stitching.   The Santa claus below are their work also.  Wonderful detail.
 Cathy has these two quilts also..above is Jewel Box pattern and another block of the month.

 Chris made a 4 patch posey and ended up with a table runner, placemats and a second table runner.  Such a great pattern.

 Jill made this Laura Hine collage must be for her sewing room!

Cathy found this on Pinterest and figured the pattern out herself.  Great job and we hope she shows us how at a future meeting!

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